Group Info Form

We want to remind you that you'll need to drop any spots you won't need by November 20th in order to not be on the hook for the remaining balance for them.

You MUST submit the form (regardless of dropping or adding spots) to confirm your total number! If you drop spots after this deadline, you must pay for those spots in full!

**We ask that no matter your group (whether you need to drop a few spots or you have the number you need), you submit the form below in order to confirm your total number BY November 20th informing us of the total number of spots you are agreeing to pay for due by December 1st. Once you submit this number, we will make the necessary updates to your account.**

Required Forms

Digital Terms & Condition Forms are required for all participants (students & leaders).
These forms should be completed by December 1st or ASAP if you’ve added spots since.

After submitting a group registration and paying deposits you, as the group leader, should be able to share a link from your registration account to any participant (leaders, chaperones & parents of students) in order for them to log in and complete forms.

The group leader has the sole responsibility to send the group-specific link to all participants.

If you have yet to receive your invitation or are having trouble locating it, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help!

Once participants click on the group-specific link sent by you, they will be able to create and account or log back in to their existing account and submit their Terms & Conditions form.